Monday, December 9, 2013


It's been a while since I had a blogger so I decided to start fresh. New blog, new email and everything. I'm not really an artsy person in any way so the design will probably always suck. This is just a place for me to upload journal entries about my day, life, progress, etc. Feelings. Ew.

So hi, I'm Kallie. I'm 20 and a creative writing major in college. I have an eating disorder (EDNOS, mostly Ana), anxiety, and in the past have struggled with self harm and suicidal thoughts. I'm basically a cheery, well adjusted person. I'm also a dog person (sorry cats), a writer, and sports lover, especially soccer.

Always here if anyone needs to talk, though if I was good at fixing people's lives I wouldn't be such a wreck. Mostly I assume this will just be me talking to myself, though.

Height- 5'5
Weight- 122.2 lbs

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