Tuesday, December 10, 2013


It's snowing and I've still got finals scheduled for the day. Woohoo. They've got about an hour to cancel before I have to leave to take it, but I doubt they will. It's really a hazard, though. I live at the bottom of a steep hill and have no sidewalk to walk up- isn't that a lawsuit waiting to happen? But still. I guess I'm writing this instead of studying so I can't complain too much.

The thing that really sucks is this exam. It's my Shakespeare final, but as my boyfriend said, it's a Shakespeare final as though constructed by a math professor. Seriously. We got a list of quotes and have to memorize the play and speaker for each of them. And then we have to define eight concepts we went over. And then we have to label which sections are by which critical authors. And then a short one page essay. The essay is the only thing that requires more than basic memorization. I expect this shit in high school, but we're in college now. I enjoy Shakespeare. I want to think in depth about it and my professor is just ugh. I'm kind of glad she's taking a semester off so when I take the second half of the class in the spring she won't be the one teaching it.

She also hates Kenneth Branagh. Now that's just bad taste.

Crabbiness is happening all over the place today because (a) I'm pmsing (b) it's finals week (c) it's snowing and I hate snow (I literally wrote an essay for a creative writing class about how much snow sucked and I'll be revising it tomorrow) and (d) my weight only dropped a half pound since Saturday. I need to be under 120 by the time I go back to living with the parents over break. I'm really worried I won't drop the last two pounds in time though because of my stupid period. I can feel how ridiculously bloated I am because of it.

Ignore my whining. I ought to go back to studying in case they don't cancel finals. They should. It's gross outside and I don't want to walk in it. And also I only started studying this morning because I'm lazy as fuck.

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